Brayin Candy

Were you Better Off under Republicans?

Like any good magician the CommiecRats are shifting this market collapse to the last 8 years when actual graphs show it was the last 2 years that was the entire problem. As your 201K shows, the previous 6 years was a steady pattern of growth and economic stability. Ask yourself the most important question of your life; are you better off today than you were 2 years ago?

Like any change of leadership the lag between takeover and your policies taking effect is 6 mos after your installation. Looking at the Dow Jones graph you can see that the slide began in Oct 2007 which was 10 mos after Do

Nothing Nancy and Dirtbag Harry took the gavel. Their policies affected our monetary policy but their regulatory policies are what really sent this economy into a downward slide. Their Democrat criminality of the Fannie Mae scandal was the ignition of this forest fire setting the banking industry ablaze. Add fools like Chuck the Schmuck pouring gasoline on those flames turning it white hot.

When the Dems took over congress and the Senate they became the committee chairman and were able to decide what the congress would and wouldn’t oversee. Nancy and company spent all their time investigating President Bush and the Oil companies rather than looking into the corruption inside Fannie Mae. This negligence caused the worldwide market crash.

Their primary criminal negligence was sweeping aside the monitoring responsibilities of the Fannie Freddie corporations. The congress is supposed to be the overseers of these gummit corporations and when the Fannie Regulator exposed the fraudulent books the Dems screamed racism. How do you have racist balance sheets? He came to the Congress with proof the books were cooked worse than Enron and not only ignored it but impugned the whistle blower. Problem is the books were cooked to falsify profits and overvaluing bad mortgages causing the failure of these two giants starting this meltdown.

The reason the Dems blocked the review and regulating to make their books transparent is the Dems were in on the corruption. They were receiving bribes from these failing corporations in the way of campaign contributions. Add to the money Bawney Fwank was actually sleeping with one of the homosexual officers of the company, Herb Moses for 10 yrs. This was a prelude to what he was going to do to the rest of the Country.

Frank, Dodd, Meeks, Pelosi, Obama/Acorn are the ones who caused this crash and to cure this problem we have to clean house. We need to bring in fighters who are not corrupt and throw out the ones who are in the congress now. To put more wolves in the meat house is blind allegiance. To give Obama and company more power after the last 2 years of corruption is like putting your head in a noose and jumping on the trap door. We should be putting these crooks in Big House rather than the White House.

Here is what John McCain said in 2006, "this week Fannie Mae’s regulator reported that the company’s quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were "illusions deliberately and systematically created" by the company’s senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole."

The question is, are you better off now than you were 2 years ago?

Pray for W, Palin/Yosemite and Our Troops